Eight Clients homepage

We’re not called 183 clients for a reason… and here’s exactly why

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Well, I mean, first of all, it’s a bit of a mouth full. But that’s not actually the reason.

Have you spoken with an agency that promised they would treat your business like their own, told you how you’re so special and unique to them, only to find out, you’re 1 out of 57 other businesses your account manager manages?

It’s not a good feeling, it’s actually rather scary.

That’s why we call ourselves Eight Clients. Hi! Nice to meet you.

Our goal is to become…


The only way we can achieve this, is by not overloading our account managers with more clients than they have fingers and toes, so that we can actually deliver the best content and work for you.

Because of this, we’ve learnt to be very picky about who we work with – and so should you!

If this sounds right up your alley, book in to speak with us and we’ll discuss your awesome brand and how we might be able to help!

Our Services

Scroll Stopping Strategy™

Paid Advertising

Social Media Management


Creative Services

Community Management

(Ethically) Steal Our Ideas

In under 20 minutes we’ll share with you our very best ideas, tailored specifically for your business. Completely free, and we have an unbeatable chocolate guarantee 🍫

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Learn How You Can (Ethically) Steal Our Ideas

The founder of Australia’s #1 social media agency reveals how you can supercharge your social media and break sales records by stealing the ideas of our creative geniuses who have created over $200 million in online revenue – (you may qualify to get this for free and it takes just 20 minutes – click to find out more).

Let´s Get Started
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Do You Want To Steal All Our Best Ideas?

(Ethically) Steal Our Ideas

In under 20 minutes we'll share with you our very best ideas, tailored specifically for your business. Completely free, and we have an unbeatable chocolate guarantee 🍫

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