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So what is the best time to post on TikTok in Australia?

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What are the best times to post on TikTok? We got you!

TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular social media platforms for teens and young adults around the world–particularly those who are interested in pop culture, fashion and music. And since there are over 500 million active users on TikTok, it’s important to understand how timing affects your chances of getting views when posting on this platform.

With so much competition on TikTok, you want your content to stand out from all others being shared at any given time so people will watch it instead of scrolling past yours without even noticing what it says or how funny your jokes might be! So how do you know when posting will give you the best chance at gaining new followers?

If you’re considering using TikTok Marketing for your business, you might wonder when the best time to post is. Let’s look at the best times to post on TikTok in Australia.

Factors to consider when choosing the best time to post on TikTok in Australia

a. Demographics: With a clear understanding of your desired age group, gender, and interests, you can easily pinpoint the time when your target audience is most likely to be most active on the platform. Investing time and energy into understanding your target audience in depth can be hugely beneficial and can help to drive your success!

b. Time zones: As the vastness of Australia spans multiple time zones, it is paramount to consider the time zone of your desired demographic when scheduling posts. Failure to do so may have repercussions on the efficacy of your message. By understanding the time zone of your audience, you can ensure that your well-crafted posts reach the right individuals at the right time to maximise the impact of your efforts. Do not underestimate the importance of time zones when it comes to reaching your target audience.

c. Your brand: I once did a consultation with a restaurant group who were struggling to get people into their restaurant at night. The problem? All of their photos were from the daytime, promoting their lunch service. This is true for posting times too, what business objective are you trying to accomplish? If getting more people into your restaurant on weeknights is important, your strategy in terms of posting times should reflect that.

Best times to post on TikTok in Australia

The best times to post on TikTok in Australia are Monday through Thursday. The most popular time for posting on TikTok is between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm, which is also when a lot of people are online and watching videos.
In terms of the day, Wednesday has the highest number of views per video at over 1 million views per day (compared with Tuesday’s 860,000).

However, if you’re looking for more engagement from your audience–especially if they’re younger–then Friday and Saturday might be better options because they tend to have higher engagement rates than other days of the week or times during weekdays.

Other Factors To Consider When Posting on TikTok

Acknowledge that timing is important but not the only factor in a video’s success in Australia. You may want to post at a specific time of day or week because you think it will get more views, but there are other things you should consider before doing so. For example:


  • Is your content high quality? If not, then don’t expect much from posting at any time of day or week!
  • Is it engaging? If people aren’t interested in watching what you’re putting out there (even if it was posted when most people were online), then again…don’t expect much from posting at any time!


To summarise, the best time to post on TikTok in Australia will depend on a variety of factors, including demographics, time zones, and popular trends. Plus, your own business, offer, and goals at the time. By understanding your audience and keeping an eye on popular trends, you can increase the chances of your content being seen and engaging with your target audience. If you are also working with influencers on TikTok, you can suggest posting times to them. Now that you’ve posted your content and it’s seen, we still need to ensure it’s scroll-stopping, attention-grabbing, and suitable for the platform, but that’s another blog post.

Ready to Discuss a TikTok Marketing Campaign?

Are you ready to discuss a TikTok marketing campaign? With over 1 billion monthly active users and a highly engaged audience, TikTok has become a powerful platform for marketing campaigns. Working with a TikTok marketing agency can provide a great advantage as they have the expertise to create and execute campaigns that are more likely to go viral on TikTok. A successful TikTok marketing campaign should be authentic, engaging, and creative, capturing the attention of the audience and leaving a lasting impression.

If you are interested in exploring the potential of TikTok for your business, a TikTok marketing campaign can help you achieve your goals and reach your target audience so when you’re ready let’s get started on your TikTok marketing strategy. 

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