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Senior Animator and Videographer

Nicole Amorin Lopez

Nicole is a Senior Animator and Videographer in Eight Clients. She has spent the last four years working in the creative field as a Cartoonist and Animator. Her past work has included animation, video editing, illustration and graphic design.

Specializing in video editing, this responsibility includes creating high quality, eye-catching short form videos. This work involves a lot of collaboration between her and the entire team to deliver the best output for communicating the brand’s message.

Whether it be catching up with the latest trends, or analyzing videos frame-by-frame, Nicole is always trying to absorb as much knowledge as she can everyday.

She’s a team player and is motivated by crazy, new ideas.

“The weirder, the better” is how she likes her coffee. She has a childlike wonder and curiosity to all things creative. She loves humor and finds the fun in the smallest of things.

Previous Work History/Experience:

Motion Designer, and a Cartoonist.

Clients Worked On/Case Studies:

Giddy Citizen, WhatIF, PRYME, Waterpik, Batiste, OCHE, SHUFL, Good Pot Co, Crowne, Gingerbread Folk, The Lotto Office, Royal Flying Doctor Service, The Next Beat, MyPlates.

Something weird about you

My friends don’t just call me “Nicole”. They call me either “Neh-kol”, “Nicolelelelele”, or “Knee-Kohl”. It’s never just Nicole lol.

What’s something you know a lot about

Lord of the Rings! I’ve read the books, loved the movies. Don’t get me started with Beren and Luthien – I get emotional.

Favourite dog breed

Labradors! They’re big, fluffy bundles of joy. They suffocate you with love and leave traces of themselves behind. Ah, I’m in love.

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