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Eight Clients’ Commitment to Child Safety

At Eight Clients, we prioritise the safety and well-being of all children who interact with our services. Our commitment to child safety is integral to our mission and is reflected in every aspect of our operations.

Our Approach to Child Safety

1. Transparency and Integrity

  • Every team member holds a valid, government-approved Working with Children Check clearance, and we maintain a centralised electronic database to ensure these clearances are current.
  • We complete reference checks from prior employers before permanent and casual team members commence their employment.
  • We maintain open and honest communication, ensuring all practices and processes are transparent and ethical.

2. Child Protection Policies

  • We have stringent child protection policies in place to safeguard children from harm, ensuring a secure environment.
  • We provide child safety resources to all team members on our internal website.

3. Inclusive and Respectful Environment

  • We foster an inclusive environment, respecting the diverse backgrounds and needs of all children and their families.

4. Continuous Improvement

  • We regularly review and update our child safety protocols to align with best practices and feedback.

Child Engagement and Support

  • Personalised Attention
    • We ensure our children are adequately supervised at all times and are committed to meeting the National Child Safe Standards in our agecny and as an organisation.
    • All Responsible Persons (who are in day-to-day control of our agency) undertake child protection training.
    • We do not permit our team members to care for children outside of the agency environment, e.g., no babysitting.
  • Responsive Communication
    • Our team is always accessible, providing timely responses to address any concerns or queries regarding child safety.
    • We have Safety Champions in our agency to advocate and drive best practice safety initiatives, including child safety.
  • Proactive Problem-Solving
    • We proactively identify and resolve potential issues to ensure a safe and positive experience for all children.
    • We have specialist Safety and Compliance teams to ensure we continuously monitor and improve our safety approaches across our agency.

Ethical Content Creation

  • Age-Appropriate and Quality Content
    • We produce high-quality, age-appropriate content that supports the well-being and development of children.
  • Ethical Advertising
    • Our advertising practices are ethical, focusing on honest representation and genuine engagement with young audiences.

By prioritising child safety, Eight Clients ensures a trustworthy and protective environment, fostering the well-being and development of children through ethical and transparent practices. For more information, please visit Eight Clients.

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