This is probably one of my favourite brilliant marketing stories ever – if you know what Yellow Pages is, please keep reading. If you don’t, thanks. You’ve just called me old.
Anywho – When Yellow Pages first launched, no one really believed in them (typical).
They couldn’t find a way to get customers so they offered a free ad in the yellow pages to some prospects, and so a local bakery agreed to this and Yellow Pages installed a yellow phone in their store.
Of course, the yellow phone started to ring anytime someone called up from the free ad in the book.
The bakery started getting several phone calls on this yellow phone, and so when time came for Yellow Pages to uninstall the phone from the store, the owner didn’t want to let it go.
What did Yellow Pages say?
“No problem, we can keep the phone here, as long as you pay for the listing”.
The point of this story is that when it comes to getting sales, you probably need to show someone how amazing you are rather than tell them.
Offer something for ‘free’, in exchange for their time.
Get your best pitch or demo ready because this is where the magic happens.
It would be wise to take a page out of the Yellow Pages. (Get it? Ha. Ha.)