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The Australian 2023 Social Media Calendar

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When you plan for the whole year, you’re giving yourself an advantage in the social media game, and having a social media calendar helps you be on top of that game.

A social media calendar is a tool used to plan and organize the content posted on social media platforms for a specific period. It can help you stay organized and create a plan that effectively targets your audience and aligns with your overall marketing goals.

With this tool, you can plan out your content during key periods, such as holidays or events, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any opportunities to have meaningful engagements with your audience. In Australia, we celebrate a variety of holidays and cultural events throughout the year, from international holidays to national public holidays.

Here’s a full list of key dates and holiday dates to keep in mind for Australia this year:

January 1: New Year’s Day
January 3: International Mind-Body Wellness Day
January 16: Australian Open
January 22: Chinese New Year
January 26: Australia Day (we include this here for completeness however we generally caution clients to think carefully before “celebrating on this date”
Jan 28: World Data Privacy Day

Feb 2: World Wetlands Day
Feb 4: World Cancer Day
Feb 11: Royal Hobart Regatta
Feb 12: World Darwin Day
Feb 13: World Radio Day
Feb 14: Valentine’s Day
Feb 27: International Polar Bear Day
Feb 28: Rare Disease Day

Mar 1: World Compliment Day
Mar 3: World Wildlife Day
Mar 5: Sydney Mardis Gras
Mar 8: International Women’s Day
Mar 13: Eight Hours Day / Adelaide Cup / Canberra Day
Mar 15: Ides of March
March 16: National Close the Gap Day
Mar 17: St Patrick’s Day
Mar 20: International Day of Happiness
Mar 21: March Equinox / International Day of Forests
Mar 23: World Meteorological Day
Mar 25: International Waffle Day
Mar 28: Something-On-A-Stick Day
Mar 31: World Backup Day

Apr 1: April Fools Day
Apr 2: Daylight Savings Ends
Apr 4: International Carrot Day
Apr 7: World Health Day
Apr 17: International Haiku Day
Apr 25: ANZAC Day
Apr 26: International Guide Dog Day
Apr 29: International Dance Day

May 2: International Harry Potter Day
May 4: World New Password Day
May 13: Fair Trade Day/ World Migratory Bird Day
May 14: Mother’s Day
May 20: World Whiskey Day
May 23: World Turtle Day

Jun 3: World Bicycle Day
Jun 7: Global Running Day
Jun 5: World Environment Day/ Western Australia Day
Jun 6: Queensland Day
Jun 8: Bounty Day / World Oceans Day
Jun 18: International Sushi Day
Jun 21: June Solstice

Jul 1: International Joke Day
Jul 2: First Day of NAIDOC Week
Jul 2-9: NAIDOC Week
Jul 11: World Population Day
Jul 17: World Emoji Day
Jul 18: Nelson Mandela International Day
Jul 30: International Day of Friendship

Aug 7: New South Wales Bank Holiday / Northern Territory Picnic Day
Aug 8: International Cat Day
Aug 12: World Elephant Day
Aug 16: Royal National Agricultural Show Day Queensland
Aug 19: World Humanitarian Day
Aug 19: International Homeless Animals Day
Aug 22: World Plant Milk Day
Aug 26: International Dog Day

Sept 3: Father’s Day
Sep 5: International Day of Charity
Sep 7: International Day of Clean Air
Sep 8: International Literacy Day
Sep 15: International Day of Democracy
Sep 22: Hobbit Day
Sep 23: September Equinox
Sep 29: Mid-Autumn Festival
Sep 29: Friday Before AFL Grand Final

Oct 1: International Vegetarian Day
Oct 5: World Teachers’ Day
Oct 8: Daylight Savings Starts
Oct 9: World Post Day
Oct 15: International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
Oct 24: United Nations Day
Oct 31: Halloween

Nov 6: Recreation Day
Nov 7: Melbourne Cup Day
Nov 10: International Accounting Day
Nov 11: Remembrance Day
Nov 12: International Tongue Twister Day
Nov 19: International Men’s Day
Nov 28: Red Planet Day
Nov 29: Thanksgiving

Dec 2: Fritters Day
Dec 5: International Ninja Day
Dec 11: International Mountain Day
Dec 22: December Solstice
Dec 25: Christmas
Dec 26: Boxing Day
Dec 31: New Year’s Eve

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