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AI Marketing Tools to Use in 2024

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AI Marketing Tools to Use to Drive Views this New Year


Afraid of having AI take your job? Here’s why you shouldn’t be. AI tools for marketing have indeed marked a significant shift in how brands approach advertising and content creation. AI marketing tools are for the forward-thinking marketer. From streamlining social media management to crafting scroll-stopping content, these tools are redefining the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. Whether you’re exploring the best AI marketing tools or delving into the realm of free AI advertising, one thing is clear: the role of the AI marketer is becoming increasingly central to successful digital strategies. We’ll look into how AI tools for advertising, uncovering how they’re transforming the industry and why they’re indispensable in your marketing toolkit.


Comprehensive List and Review of AI Marketing Tools


1. Jasper AI


Features: AI-powered copywriting in various tones and styles.

Pros: Versatile content creation, intuitive interface.

Cons: Potential for repetitive phrasing; best used as a starting point for content that benefits from human creativity and final touch.

Ideal for: Content creators needing efficient, diverse copywriting.


2. Surfer SEO


Features: SEO content optimisation based on keyword density, and readability.

Pros: Real-time SEO scoring, and actionable insights.

Cons: Limited to SEO aspects of content.

Ideal for: SEO specialists and content marketers.


3. Canva


Features: Graphic design with AI-powered Magic Design.

Pros: Wide range of templates, easy to use.

Cons: Limited customisation for advanced graphic design.

Ideal for: Marketers and creators needing quick, professional visuals.


4. Grammarly


Features: AI writing assistant for grammar, syntax, and style.

Pros: Improves content quality, and integrates with many platforms.

Cons: Sometimes overzealous with suggestions.

Ideal for: Anyone writing digital content.


5. Chatfuel


Features: Creation of AI-driven chatbots.

Pros: Sophisticated linguistic processing, customizable.

Cons: Requires time to build effective bots.

Ideal for: Enhancing customer interaction and engagement.


6. Zapier


Features: Automates tasks, and integrates various tools.

Pros: Saves time, and extensive integration options.

Cons: It can be complex to set up initially.

Ideal for: Streamlining workflows in digital marketing.


7. Content at Scale


Features: Generates SEO blog posts.

Pros: High-quality AI content, passes AI detectors.

Cons: Still requires human review.

Ideal for: Content marketers focusing on SEO.


8. Lexica Art


Features: AI image generator for realistic images.

Pros: High-quality, brand-consistent visuals.

Cons: While excellent for generating images, it may not capture the full depth of artistic expression achievable by professional graphic designers.

Ideal for: Creating unique visuals for digital marketing.


9. Midjourney


Features: AI tool for creating graphics using prompts.

Pros: User-friendly, produces creative and unique images.

Cons: Requires practice to master prompt crafting.

Ideal for: Graphic designers and marketers needing custom visuals.


10. Dall-E by OpenAI


Features: AI-powered graphic design from text prompts.

Pros: Generates original graphics, versatile in application.

Cons: Not suitable for detailed brand elements.

Ideal for: Quick prototyping and creative visual content.


11. DeepBrain AI Studios


Features: AI video creation platform with customisable photo-realistic AI avatars.

Pros: High-quality video production without actors or filming teams.

Cons: It might not fully replicate the emotional depth and directorial vision characteristic of human-produced videos.

Ideal for: Brands and video editors needing efficient video content.


12. Acrolinx


Features: AI-driven content alignment with brand guidelines, style, tone, and grammar.

Pros: Ensures brand consistency in content.

Cons: Requires initial setup of brand guidelines.

Ideal for: Enterprise brands and marketing professionals focusing on brand consistency.


13. Keyword Insights


Features: Advanced AI writing assistant for SEO and content creation.

Pros: Combines content research, writing, and SEO optimization.

Cons: May require SEO knowledge for maximum effectiveness.

Ideal for: SEO professionals and content marketers.


14. GrowthBar


Features: Automates content generation using GPT-3 AI technology, and offers keyword and backlinking strategies.

Pros: Comprehensive tool for blog post creation and SEO.

Cons: AI-generated content might occasionally miss the mark on tone or context, necessitating human review to ensure alignment with brand voice and audience expectations.

Ideal for: Content marketers and bloggers.


15. Frase.io


Features: Creates SEO-optimised content by analysing top sites using the same keyword.

Pros: Generates SEO-friendly outlines, and efficient content creation.

Cons: Limited to SEO-focused content creation.

Ideal for: Editors, content strategists, and SEO experts.


Diverse Case Studies or Examples

Netflix’s Use of AI for Personalised Marketing


Challenge: Netflix faced the challenge of keeping viewers engaged and subscribed by recommending relevant content from their vast library.


Solution: They implemented AI algorithms to analyse viewer preferences and viewing habits. This AI-driven approach allowed for highly personalised content recommendations, tailored to the individual tastes of each subscriber.


Key Results: The use of AI in personalisation significantly increased viewer engagement, reduced churn rates, and improved overall customer satisfaction.


Insight: AI’s ability to process and analyse large datasets can be leveraged to create highly personalised user experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Nutella: Personalised Packaging with AI


Challenge: Nutella needed a unique marketing strategy to increase customer engagement and differentiate itself in a competitive market.


Solution: Nutella implemented an AI-driven design process to create 7 million unique packaging designs, each distinct and personalised, leveraging AI’s capability for mass customisation.


Key Results: The campaign led to a surge in customer interaction, media buzz, and a noticeable increase in sales.


Insight: Leveraging AI for creative personalisation can significantly enhance customer engagement and brand appeal.


JPMorgan Chase: Enhancing Marketing Efficiency with AI Copywriting


Challenge: JPMorgan Chase needed to create more effective and engaging marketing copy at a large scale while ensuring consistency and adherence to financial regulations.


Solution: The bank signed a five-year deal with Persado, a software startup specialising in AI-driven copywriting. Persado’s machine-learning tool generates marketing copy from a database of over 1 million words tagged for emotional appeal. The AI was found to craft ad copy that outperformed human-written content, achieving higher click rates in digital ads for Chase cards and mortgages.


Key Results: In one test, the AI-generated copy achieved more than double the click rates compared to human-written ads. For example, an AI-written ad stating, “It’s true—You can unlock cash from the equity in your home,” performed better than the human version, “Access cash from the equity in your home.”


Insight: The use of AI in copywriting not only enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of JPMorgan Chase’s marketing efforts but also opened new possibilities for its application in internal communications and customer service.


Broader Impact: Beyond marketing, JPMorgan Chase is leveraging AI in various aspects of its operations, including document review through its COIN program, demonstrating a broader commitment to integrating AI into its business processes.


Expert Insights and Future Predictions in AI Marketing


 AI in marketing is rapidly evolving, with experts continually providing insights into current trends and future possibilities.


  • Improved AI Marketing Automation


Overview: One of the top AI marketing trends for 2024 is the further refinement and improvement of AI marketing automation. This trend points towards more sophisticated and efficient automation tools in various aspects of marketing.


Details: AI marketing automation is expected to become more advanced, allowing for more precise targeting, personalised customer journeys, and efficient campaign management. This includes the use of AI in segmenting audiences, predicting customer behaviours, and automating responses in real time.


Impact on Marketers: This trend suggests that marketers will be able to leverage AI to streamline their workflows, create more targeted marketing strategies, and deliver personalised experiences at scale. The improved automation capabilities will also help in optimising marketing budgets and increasing ROI.


Future Outlook: As AI technology continues to evolve, marketing automation tools are expected to become even more intuitive and capable, offering marketers unprecedented levels of efficiency and effectiveness in their campaigns.


  • AI in Social Media and Campaign Personalisation


Overview: A significant trend in AI marketing for 2024 is the enhanced capability for personalisation. AI’s advanced data analysis is set to revolutionise how brands interact with their customers.


Details: AI systems can analyse vast datasets, including consumer behaviour, preferences, and engagement history. This analysis enables brands to tailor their marketing campaigns with a high degree of personalisation, far beyond what’s achievable manually.


Impact on Marketers: This trend indicates that marketers can look forward to creating campaigns that are much more targeted and relevant to individual consumers. The result is a significant improvement in customer engagement and potentially higher conversion rates.


Future Outlook: As AI technology continues to evolve, the scope for personalisation in marketing is expected to grow even further. This could lead to more nuanced and sophisticated marketing strategies that resonate deeply with individual consumer preferences and behaviours.


  • Standardisation of AI Tools in Marketing


Overview: An emerging trend in the AI marketing landscape for 2024 is the standardisation of AI tools across marketing departments. This trend marks a shift from sporadic and ad-hoc AI tool usage to a more systematic and integrated approach.


Details: With the increasing prevalence of AI in marketing, organisations are moving towards standardising these tools for consistent use. This involves integrating AI tools into regular marketing workflows, ensuring that all marketing activities are enhanced by AI capabilities uniformly.


Impact on Marketers: This shift towards standardisation means that marketers can expect more streamlined and efficient marketing practices. Standardised AI tools can lead to better coordination within marketing teams, more consistent data analysis, and unified strategies across different campaigns.


Future Outlook: As standardisation becomes more common, AI tools are likely to become an integral and expected component of marketing departments. This could lead to more advanced AI solutions being developed specifically for standardised marketing processes, further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing strategies.




We can safely conclude that AI will play a large role in shaping the future of marketing. From the enhanced personalisation of customer interactions to the standardisation of AI tools across marketing departments, AI is redefining how brands connect with their audience and how marketers approach their craft.


The insights and predictions shared by industry experts only support AI’s potential to revolutionise marketing strategies making them more efficient, targeted, and impactful. As we step into the future, embracing these AI-driven innovations will be key for marketers aiming to stay ahead in a competitive and rapidly changing digital world.


For those ready to embark on this transformative journey, the time to act is now. Whether it’s experimenting with AI tools, integrating them into your marketing strategies, or simply staying informed about the latest developments, each step forward is a step towards harnessing the full potential of AI in marketing.


Are you prepared to leverage the power of AI in your marketing efforts? Explore, innovate, and grow with the tools of tomorrow, today.

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